Laurel O’Sullivan is a visionary advocate who inspires her clients to create lives of deeper meaning and purpose when confronted with challenging life transitions.
Laurel’s practice as a transition coach is grounded in twenty years of experience as a public interest lawyer and advocate and her own deeply held experiences traversing every imaginable type of life transition.
Laurel is currently working on a book about Second Chance which she views as a gift from the Universe beckoning us to to heal the past, and transform our lives by having the courage to pursue new life directions.
In this episode we discuss:
- Laurel’s professional journey starting with her career in environmental law
- How astrology came into her life and Laurel’s perspective on how it can empower us and help us feel seen + understood
- Micro (individual) and macro (global) aspects of astrology
- Fundamental Concepts:
- Our sun, moon, and rising signs (the “primal triad”)
- The four elements
- North and South nodes
- Eclipses
- The Aquarian Age
- Laurel’s forthcoming book
- And so much more!
Laurel’s website:
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